Artikel Jurnal Manajemen

The Relationship between Human Resource Management and Organisational Performance in Universities Combining Multiple Linear Regression


This paper first explores human resource management and organizational performance and investigates the multiple linear regression model and its hypothesis conditions, parameter estimation, modeltesting and variable normalization treatment. Then,the evaluation index system of university organizational performance was constructed, and the relationship between human resource management and organizational performance in universities was analyzed in depth through correlation analysis, the relationship between subjects’ basic conditions and organizational performance, analysis of variance explanation of endogenous latent variables, and empirical analysis of the relationship between human resource management practices and organizational performance. The results show that information sharing has a significant positive relationship with research contribution (β=0.293, Sig.=0.084, T=4.67) and based on human resource planning has a significant positive relationship with research input (β=0.55, Sig.=0.023, T=2.362). Therefore, human resource management in universities has a significant impact on organizational performance.

Kata Kunci : Multiple linear regression; Variable normalization; Human resource management; Organizational performance; Indicator system.
  • Penulis : This paper first explores human resource management and organizational performance and investigates the multiple linear regression model and its hypothesis conditions, parameter estimation, modeltesting and variable normalization treatment. Then,the evaluation index system of university organizational performance was constructed, and the relationship between human resource management and organizational performance in universities was analyzed in depth through correlation analysis, the relationship between subjects’ basic conditions and organizational performance, analysis of variance explanation of endogenous latent variables, and empirical analysis of the relationship between human resource management practices and organizational performance. The results show that information sharing has a significant positive relationship with research contribution (β=0.293, Sig.=0.084, T=4.67) and based on human resource planning has a significant positive relationship with research input (β=0.55, Sig.=0.023, T=2.362). Therefore, human resource management in universities has a significant impact on organizational performance.
  • ISSN : 2444-8656
  • Penerbit : Henan Polytechnic
  • Subjek : Multiple linear regression; Variable normalization; Human resource management; Organizational performance; Indicator system.
  • Volume : 9
  • Number : 1
  • Edisi : -
  • Halaman : 1-15
  • Sumber Jurnal : Sciendo

