Artikel Jurnal Manajemen

Human capital and sustainable university: MediaMediating ting rrole of sustole of sustainableainable human resourhuman resource manace managementgement in Indonesia


Sustainable universities play a role in evaluating and reporting on sustainable practices in developing countries. The study aims to identify 􀀁uman capital’s impact on sustain-able university performance by implementing sustainable 􀀁uman resource manage-ment (sustainable HRM) as a mediating variable. The paper uses a quantitative ap-proac􀀁, wit􀀁 a sample of 140 employees consisting of lecturers and educational staff at Esa Unggul University, Jakarta, Indonesia. Data were collected using a Likert scale questionnaire and analyzed using structural equation modeling-partial least squares wit􀀁 SmartPLS 4.0 software. The results s􀀁owed a positive and significant impact t􀀁at was statistically proven by a direct impact of 􀀁uman capital and sustainable HRM on sustainable universities as well as an indirect impact of 􀀁uman capital on sustainable universities mediated by sustainable HRM. Furt􀀁ermore, t􀀁e results s􀀁owed t􀀁at t􀀁e level of direct influence of 􀀁uman capital on sustainable universities 􀀁as an influence value of 0.371, w􀀁ere t􀀁e influence is categorized as weak. The level of indirect influ-ence wit􀀁 sustainable HRM as a mediator between 􀀁uman capital and sustainable uni-versities 􀀁as an influence of 0.662 wit􀀁 a fairly strong/moderate influence. This proves t􀀁at t􀀁e role of sustainable HRM practices is an essential component in realizing a sus-tainable university. Empirical findings recommend increasing t􀀁e capacity and quality of lecturers and education staff as t􀀁e main component of university 􀀁uman capital to ac􀀁ieve sustainable 􀀁ig􀀁er education performance. Sustainable HRM practices need to be implemented t􀀁oug􀀁tfully by universities to improve performance from economic, environmental, and social aspects.

Kata Kunci : Higher education performance, economic sustainability, environmental sustainability, social sustainability
  • Penulis : Yunata Kandhias Akbar (Indonesia), Sunda Ariana (Indonesia), Antonius Setyadi (Indonesia), Suharno Pawirosumarto (Indonesia), Endri Endri (Indonesia)
  • ISSN : 1810-5467
  • Penerbit : LLC “Consulting Publishing Company “Business Perspectives”
  • Subjek : pendidikan tinggi
  • Volume : 22
  • Number : 1
  • Edisi : ---
  • Halaman : 182-193
  • Sumber Jurnal : Problems and Perspectives in Management"

